How to get more followers on Twitter?

I have a Minecraft Twitter account, and I have about 10 followers. I joined Twitter about two weeks ago. It's about my Minecraft player because I'm always playing on severs. I said that if I reached 12 followers, I'd post my Dark Horse parody on YouTube. I just want to know, how can I gain followers?

Added (1). I've also been posting a lot on there, it's good stuff, not spam. I'm posting on a regular rate.

You need to spread the word around, participate in big events, make a famous mod or such. Sorry, but you don't become famous over night. Need to do something big.

Building a twitter following takes a lot of work. One strategy is to follow similar people and make good/funny/interesting comments on their tweets. You might gain more followers that way.

don't worry. I promis, you can get more followers on's very simple way to increase your followers on Twitter.1st go to this link.simpley create an account. Then ''add your Twitter profile''you can get lot of followers on Twitter by useing points.hope, this will help you. Good luck.