How to get iTunes Apps without using a credit card?

I need (okay want) to buy minecraft. It's because you can build almost anything. But since it's only available online, my parents say no. They say it is in another country so they say I won't receive it even though I know I will receive it. I introduced them paypal but nope. Oh yeah, I asked it as my birthday gift (It's today) but still no luck. If you can give an account please give by email. I don't care if it's on pc or phone. Also, If you can give a software that can give me minecraft for free, please give it. So are there any other options to buy apps on iTunes without PayPal, credit card or iTunes gift card (there's none in my country).

Go on device hit safari type for free cards that you earn by playing free games for a min

Well… These are links for minecraft
for pc
for android device
Unfortunatelly i can't help you with the iTunes

I downloaded minecraft the full version via bit torrent. Try it!

Buy itunes prepaid cards