How to fix my minecraft loading issues?

I have a GTX 770, so I can run anything. I can play games like Far Cry 3 on ultra high, but when I play minecraft I use a 512 resolution texture pack. I run at a perfect 60 fps(that's as high as my computer will allow my fps to go to) but when I start minecraft it takes so long, it even does the not responding. Is there a way to speed up the load time?
I have a i7 3770k at 3.5ghz and 16 gigs of ram if that helps at all.

On start up go to options and click force update, that will reinstall the game without touching your saves or textures. If that doesn't work, back up your saves and textures on your desktop then delete all minecraft folders (besides backups) and application. Then reinstall from and put back up files back