How to figure out my netgear router password?

I play a game called Minecraft and my step dad hates it to no end! He likes to mess with me and turn the Wi-Fi off while I play or get on my computer. He know quite a lot about computers and phones. He lies to my mom and i saying he does not turn off the internet.( my mom does not know much) he persuades her into thinking I'm paranoid. I have know about the router.login website for a while now. He figured out about it and then he changed the password so the password is no longer: Blank, password, or 1234. When I try to change it it ask me for his home town, and fathers middle name (wich I know) but still does not work. My family is on low budget and I make intros for people for about $5 so I can make my own money but I can't do that when he turn the internet off and tells everyone I'm paranoid.

You can reset the router and it should change everything to the default login. Usually by default type in into your web browser and then user name should be admin and password should be admin ( I know this works for Cisco routers but you might want to google it for your router) Also, normally the reset button is located on the back of the router.

Adding on to his answer, you can find the password at -