How many stack do have in total?

I'm sorry if this doesn't make sense, I can't think right now. I'm trying to build something in Minecraft that needs 188 logs for what I'm building, but I can't figure out what I would be looking at in a chest. A stack is up to 64 per item. I worked up myself a headache just by figuring out I need 188 for starter like house. How many stacks does 188 up to? 3 stacks?

3 stacks would be 192 logs in total so you would need 3 for each house like that.

You should trust your gut a bit here, as your rough math & estimate is pretty close here.

188 / 64 = 23.5 / 8 = 2.9375 (2 60 /64) stacks… Or 4 logs shy of 3 whole stacks.

Just as a quick reference, the stack thresholds (1 - 10) are…

64 (1) → 128 (2) → 192 (3) → 256 (4) → 320 (5) → 384 (6) → 448 (7) → 512 (8) → 576 (9) → 640 (10)

When it comes to stacks & obtaining items for a build, I prefer to highball estimates to provide some slack in case some errors occur (as mistakes always seem to happen, even little ones). If things manage to go to play, the extra materials can go towards the next project OR as repair reserves.

Hope this helps!