Hoe to get gud in minecraft. I ned diamond sword in minecraft

Hoe to get gud in minecraft. I ned diamond sword in minecraft - 1

Added (1). my friend fond iran, he sas we ned it to main daimond but ai dunt bilive him?

Added (2). i fond to dimond, i made hoe, it gud?

Dig low. Diamond is really low.


The way you get good is by digging deep, and getting better resources.
To get a diamond sword for example, you need diamond, which you can only mine if you first find it, then mine it with iron tools.

BUild a safe-house, and some ladders, then just start digging out the entire floor and keep going down.

Gotta brave the dark depths to find the good stuff. Work your way down with tools from Wooden to Stone, then Iron… Usually diamond is around lava in the lower levels along with more spots for butter bars and red stuff

You will need two diamond and a stick, arrange them vertically with the two diamonds at the top.

Yuh git dimund n' stik den put togedur n' tuh duh, yuh gut uh dimund ix