I'm Looking for a good Gaming PC that can handle various games like Skyrim, GTA 5 CS: GO, minecraft, Fallout 4, etc
I know this might be hard but i don't want to be spending 1000 dollars on a pc Thanks!
Help Me Find a Good and Not Pricey Gaming PC?
Ceasar 21.06.2017
Hate to tell but you're still looking at about $1000 for a pre-built system.
Velocity Micro does a pretty good job building a box for $1000. They pack in the best possible hardware while keeping the pricepoint around $999 or so. Check out their website (velocitymicro.com) I've bought from them from about a decade. They don't clutter up your harddrive with a bunch of junk like some of the big vendors do (e.g. Dell) You just get your OS, and the install CD - not a restore CD.
If you build your own you could probably get down to $600-700.
PoohBearPenguin 21.06.2017