I have Minecraft on a Windows computer. I have downloaded it, but whenever I try to run it, it crashes and shows me a report. Does anyone know what I must do to help it function properly? Do I have to change some of the computers settings? Do I have to download software? Help will be appreciated. If more information is required in order for you to help, please ask.

It could be that you don't have java or openGL. I know that my computer can't run it because I don't have openGL. Also old computers running win 8 temd to just not like anything.

If you could see login screen of client and click the start button, that's mostly the openGL problem.
It related your graphic driver. Windows WHQL default install driver usually does not have OpenGL capabilities.
You might need to Intel, Nvidia, or AMD homepage to download proper graphic drivers.
All three (at least Nvidia and AMD) provide automatic installer which detects your GPU and install proper driver.

In addition, this procedure requires administrator permission since it's installation of important driver of system.
If you want to try this on public computer, you need to hack or boot portable windows with your external drive.