Has a videogame ever genuinely creeped you out?

But not specifically of the horror genre.

My moment was when I played The Legend Of Zelda: Link's Awakening where he crashes on an island and at the last quarter of the game you find out inside a temple that everything on the island is a dream, but the really weird part was the the people on the island were completely unaware of it and when the deity of the island woke up and you saved it, the people and the island all just vanished entirely from existence, ending the game on a really melancholic note.

There was a game called "Legacy Of Kain: Soul Reaver" for the PS1 that kind of creeped me out when I was younger. It is very dark and morbid feeling, but a great game according to amazing reviews it got on IGN and Gamespot.

The Nightmare Room in Jet Set Willy. You suddenly turn into a flying pig/hedgehog hybrid and the only enemies are giant feet and angry housekeepers.

It scared the c**p out of me the first time I played it.

Undertale. It breaks the 4th wall.

Yeah a game called Sanitarium, from back in like 2004 or so. Creeping people with their heads all wrapped up in bandages, clown faces, demon heads, satanic fire and creatures everywhere. Very unnerving back then, now that I'm 40 not really. Although I still hate the Chainsaw dude in Resident Evil 4 and 5! Lol

When a game has set a definitive pattern for me and then suddenly breaks that pattern and starts like breaking the 4th wall, That freaks me out. It's not so much in like undertale or AA because they both have no set pattern and can often shift their game styles around.

When I was hunting for a myth in gta san andreas

FNAF and the Forgotten Ones

Wait until you realize that 'Majora's Mask' is actually about Link's death post Ocarina of Time, and his struggle to come to terms with it in a self-inflicted purgatory.