Games like DayZ/Rust/TheForest/Minecraft?

What are games like that, that have open world and kind of survival like. And please no minecraft copy's such as Block story or Roblox.

ROBLOX came out before Minecraft, so if anything, Minecraft copied ROBLOX. They're actually completely different games, so neither copied each other. If you want to learn more about the differences between Minecraft and ROBLOX, "ROBLOX Building Guide", available on Amazon, explains it and how to make your own ROBLOX game!

Have you tried The Last Of Us? It's an awesome survival game! I loved it!
you can also try The Walking Dead Game Series! Its pretty much the walking dead (tv series, AWESOME!)
Those are the only ones i played so Ya
Um i haven't played Dark Souls but i'm gonna try it.
Hope this helped

Don't starve, H1Z1. Starforge to some extent… I'd say google for "similar to dayz" and "survival games" and start browsing