Fraps, Movie Maker, Audio, Oh My?


I recorded my first acceptable minecraft video yesterday (A one that I didn't fail at) and then realized I had a lot of annoying background noise. So I looked up how to and then removed the background noise with Audacity. After a few tries I was happy with it and had pretty much completely removed all the background noise. So I imported the Fraps video into windows movie maker live. Then realized the video still had all the original audio so I had to remove that and then add in the edited audio. I then realized that you need Windows Movie Maker 2.6 to mute the sound. So I downloaded that and brought the video in and muted all the sound. AND THEN I realized that Windows Movie Maker 2.6 wrecks the quality of the video, unlike WMML. But windows movie maker live can't mute the sound. So I'm kinda stuck. I just bought the $37 Fraps and don't really want to blow another $60 on Adobe Premiere. So, what should I do? And please don't respond with "Well, it's your fault… You had background noise" That's not what I'm looking for, I'm looking for help.

Thanks in advance!


Added (1). Thanks but I still can't find how to play with the volume? Where is it located?

Movie maker has a feature that allows you to play with the original videos volume and the added audio clips volume. Just turn the original videos volume way down and turn the edited audio volume up so only the edited will be heard. You shouldnt hear a trace of the original after this. I've used fraps/ movie maker for gaming videos as well lol its a great free combo. Hope that helps!

Adjust the volume under "Video Tools" then hit "video volume" to lower it. "Music tools" and the same thing for the music volume. Enjoy.