First Person Video Games?

So i'm sick of third person and shoulder view games. Can someone give me a list of franchise that are first person. Any from 2005 to 2014 including indie games if there worth playing.

Halo, Bioshock, Call of Duty, Battlefield, Skyrim, Mirrors Edge, Portal 2, MineCraft

Metroid Prime Trilogy (First-person adventure/shooters)
Vanquish (kind of like Halo)
Borderlands (First-person shooter RPG)
James Bond games (meh)

Borderlands 2
COD(All of them)
Pretty much all I can name other then the ones you listed and Morrowind but it cam out before 2004 I believe.

Call of duty 4 & world at war are great
rainbow six vegas
those are just the top fps in the past decade
and halo of course