Computer gaming problems?

Ok, i recently purchased an ASUS "Gaming Computer".


Windows 8.1
ASUS Desktop PC G20AJ Series
Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-4460 CPU @ 3.30Hz
8.00GB (7.88GB usable)
64-bit operating system, x64-based processor

Graphics card

NVIDIA GeForce GTX 750

I've looked all over google to see if it was a good gaming pc. Now almost every game i play i can play on high graphics with little lag. I don't play taxing games like COD but i do play Minecraft. I'm having issues with lag. I displayed my Fps and i'm getting between 60 to 120. But my ram fills quickly. Sense i purchased the computer built i don't know how to check everything that can give me an idea of what might be causing the issue. Is it my GB? Is it my graphics cards? Can it be my monitor? I have a ASUS VT207 monitor. Everything is updated it took me like an hour to go threw my device manager and manually update. I do have a dual monitor my second monitor is older its HP w1907 Wide LCD Monitor. But i only use that for research while playing Minecraft or watching YouTube.

If anybody can help me figure this out it will be amazing.

The CPU can easily handle Minecraft and so does your graphic card. The problem should probably the RAM. I recommend you upgrading it to maybe 16gb so you will not get any problems with that anymore.

The CPU and GPU should be enough for MC. However, check the MC startup script, that loads the java. Make sure you have allocated enough ram for MC to run in, at least 4GB in your case.
If the ram is filling up too much, you may have a bad Java install or version, re-install it.
Also, if the Java script memory allocation is set too high (6 to 8GB), it will use most/all your ram, making the system bog down. You need a mid-point here, not too much, not too little…

The fact you get 60FPS means the game/system is performing well. The bogging down has to be due to some MC settings…