Make a scale model of planet Earth on Minecraft?

Ok. I recently watched a video explaining that the Minecraft world is bigger than planet Earth:


Doesn't this mean that you could create a scale model of the Earth on Minecraft?
Now I know the Earth is a sphere and the Minecraft world is flat… But imagine creating a flat replica of planet Earth on Minecraft (o_O ).

How cool would that be? (Even though it'd take years lol)

There are a few problems with that idea.

Number one, you'd need a supercomputer to process that amount of data. I did some calculations, and it would require 3170090000000 blocks just to make the earth's surface. That's more than any person computer can process.

So is it possible? Yes. It would take thousands if not hundreds of thousands of years to complete.

Technically? Yes. Earth is 12,700 kilometers and the Minecraft world is 64,000 kilometers. So in theory, yes. However, it would be extremely hard. Not only would you have to have a computer with massive specs, you would also have to take ALOT of time into putting it all together.

Possible? Yes.
Realistic? Not really.

Yeah you could make one. If you're an immortal being that can spend hundreds of thousands of hours at a computer to make it.