Can Minecraft effect your education?

If Minecraft is just creativity, can you learn something from it?
I mean it's just a game?!

Yes, in a way. You learn how to be creative and do things differently

It can become an addiction that distracts you from your education just like any other game can. I've never played it, but it doesn't look like a game I would want to play to learn something from.

In many ways Minecraft can improve your education by providing creative skills of building, analysis, and tearing things apart. However everything is only good in a certain amount and there should be some time away from the game. The game in the end helps stimulate the brain, both on the right and left side.

Well one time for math we had to do a project about a floor plan where we'd pretend to sell a house, give a description about it and measure the sides of it. Our teacher aloud us to use Minecraft to build it so I built a huge house, took screenshots with prt sc before it was finished (with just the walls without roof and furniture, flooring, and such for the floor plan) and then after. I took a screeny of each room and then sent all screenshots to the teacher in google docs and talked about each room in front of class.

No, but it can help with your imagination.