Can I move my minecraft membership/premium to a different account so i don't have to pay?

Can I move my minecraft membership/premium to a different account so i don't have to pay? - 1

No you can't move it to a different account, if you're wanting to change your name then you can do it by logging in on your Mojang account. The only reason to create a new account is if you're banned on a server, if that is true then you have to pay again for a new account.

Sorry, but Minecraft Memberships are tied to the account that paid for it & can't be transferred to another account.

This is both an anti-piracy & anti-troll measure since you can't have the same user on the same server twice NOR will you have the same troll that you banned from your server since it'll cost them to get a new account in order to re-access that server (which is extremely stupid, as bypassing bans generally force the staff to escalate to higher, more broad-reaching bans like IP bans & even IP-range bans).