Suggest videogames for me?

I've recently finished all of my videogames, so I've been looking for some new games/franchises to try. The games I like are basically anything made by Valve, zombie … Show more

If you haven't played Left4Dead is a zombie game and it is made by Valve.

Killing Floor is the second best zombie game on Steam. Best is Left For Dead. But I HIGHLY suggest Killing Floor

If you're into zombie hunting, you should have a look at the resident evil series. All of the games are excellent and most of them are available for modern consoles.

and it's storylines are filled with extra detailed information that you have to read about (either online or through files hidden throughout the game)

most of them have strong puzzle solving elements

If you haven't played any portal, i suggest playing both of them. Another great series is Mass Effect.

Might as well try something more helpful or productive: gardens, cooking, yes, cooking! Writing, helping, volunteering-- for elders, sick, even young ones!

I suggest the games Scribblenauts Unlimited, Scribblenauts Unmasked and the Assassin's Creed Franchise and the GTA Series.

Fallout 3 or New Vegas. It's a post-apoc RPG with lots of combat, horror, tunnels, zombies (er, ghouls), criminals, and just all kinds of crazy stuff.