Can 3D games be coded with Java?

Can 3D games be coded with Java?

Added (1). I just realized that games such as Skyrim and Halo were coded with C++. I know Java is used for making games, can it be used to make games that advanced?

Minecraft is java based so yes

just don't expect skyrim quality graphics

Java has too many technical limitations due to Sun's, and now Oracle's own stupidity to make it viable to create the level of game such as Skyrim or any other major title published by Ubisoft, Activision, or EA. The virtual machine and garbage collection mechanism in Java alone is enough still to make me never want to program in Java until someone at Oracle figures out that both of those features suck still after years of working on it. The language and syntax itself is pretty nice on paper, but the actual current implementation of the language sucks, and it's simply not worth anyone's time to really start fixing all the problems wrong in Java due to the language having no ISO or ECMA standard and due to the fact that C# will do everything better in the first place.

So, what I'm getting at is that while you can write 3D games in Java, technical reasons should discourage you not to. Minecraft uses way too much memory because of how horrid the JRE handles everything.