Best Graphics Card Under $115?

I want to buy it off of Amazon because I get more bang for my buck there: <---- Here are Amazon GPUs

I'm not a totally serious gamer and am fine with less than 60 frames per second on max settings (as long as its not extremely bad). I play on a Lenovo G505 Win8 laptop and I bought it because Lenovo normally knows what they're doing with gaming computers, but this one can't even handle Minecraft. My screen resolution, too, is 1366x768, so even a lower GPU would work better on my smaller monitor. I don't have a lot of money to work with, so $100-125 is my budget.

I was interested in the Radeon HD 7770, because it can go upwards of 35 FPS on Crysis 2 on a 1080p monitor, but I was also thinking about a GeForce. What's the best buy?

Why are you interested in desktop graphics cards, when you're on a LAPTOP? It's a laptop; you CAN'T change the graphics in it, let alone install a graphics card LIKE THAT in it. Your laptop is stuck with the integrated/GPU it came with. How exactly did you plan on going about installing a desktop video card inside your laptop? Lol…

Bro you have a laptop kill your self
But for real get a desktop for gaming, its customize able

All answers are correct - can't change GPU in lappy. Laptops are not suitable for gaming, even those that are advertised as gaming ones. Never enough cooling, never enough battery beyond 30-60 mins gaming, small screen, bad controls (need mouse), high noise, low upgradability, list goes on.
Gaming will always be best on desktops. Even games for consoles are written on PC, and that's where developers play them lol.
Get a desktop and enjoy any games you want

Yah sadly you can't just shove a desktop Graphix Card into a Laptop there innards are completely different if you want a laptop for Gaming be sure to buy one for gaming Lenovo, does know how to make Gaming Laptops which is there Ideapad Y lineup. Not the G500. Series these usually come with the Option to Sli to. One day maybe Laptops will come with bays for interchangeable after market Graphix cards, and Lenovo might be the one to do it with there Ultrabay but until then yah you need a new comp for what you want to do.