How to become unaddicted to video games?

I'm 14 and for the last what 3-4 years i have wasted my life on xbox and minecraft i moved in 2009 before i moved i wasn't to bad at maths and science but after i moved all my

- It starts with a DECISION. Decide that your goal is to not be addicted to video games.
- Sit down and think of some other activities that you think are GOOD, educational or interesting - maybe you've always wanted to join a sports team, or learn how to build things, or learn a new language, or how to cook.
- once you have some new interests and hobbies in mind, start working towards those - get books at the library on topics of interest etc. Or just spend lots of time in the library - this will keep you away from the games, but also show you that there's so MUCH more to life - to learn and enjoy!
- as your new hobbies start to interest you, you will find that the games are less interesting. If it is too hard to cut out the games all at once, then set time limits - just an hour a day, or just one day a week etc. You need to FIND better things to do, to replace the games.
- for myself, I love to learn new things - how to build muscle, what to eat to improve health, what different vitamins do, what sugar does to the body. I love to read about camping techniques, how to live off the grid, survival skills! I taught myself Spanish! I took cooking classes, I learned to ice skate… I could literally spend all my time at the library looking at all the books - and all I can learn from them!

Determination to quit is one,
the other is tapering off rather than cold turkey

in the last couple months i've somehow got addicted to weed. I don't like being addicted to anything, especially something that is very difficult to get ahold of if i lose my connection, so i tried to quit it cold turkey, with sheer determination. That turned out to be the worst idea ever because until then i didn't know it actually HURTS when you don't do your addiction. And until them i didn't quite realize how dependant i'm on my addiction to live, and that really shattered my determination to quit,

so i suggest going at it slow and steady, day-by-day increase of desire to quit at the same time day by day reduction of gaming time and replacing it with new, prosocial behaviors and activities.

Simple, give the Xbox to your parents, and uninstall Minecraft. You aren't addicted, you are just having a hard time pulling yourself away. I'm the same way. The best way to do it is to give the Xbox to somebody who will keep it away from you and uninstall Minecraft. It'll take some work to reinstall it, so you'll at least have some discouragement to play. Hopefully these help! Good luck on software engineering. My major will be Computer Science, good luck man!
P/S: Like my answers if you thing it Utility. Have a good day foryou!