Good xbox 360 or PC games?

I'm into games like COD, The Walking Dead, Left For Dead, etc.
Stuff that's not really simple nor easy (like Minecraft for example, its just boring)
Any suggestions?

Batman Arkham Asylum (Game Of The Year Edition)
Batman Arkham City (Game Of The Year Edition) - Sequel to Batman Arkham Asylum, Play Batman Arkham Asylum first
Batman Arkham Origins - Sequel to Batman Arkham Asylum and Batman Arkham City, Play Batman Arkham Asylum and Batman Arkham City first.
Dead Island (Game Of The Year Edition)
Dead Island Riptide - Sequel to Dead Island, play Dead Island first.
Fallout 3 (Game Of The Year Edition)
Fallout: New Vegas (Ultimate Edition) - Not a Sequel for Fallout 3 can be played before or after Fallout 3
Grand Theft Auto V: Not a Sequel to any of the other Grand Theft Auto Games, Do Not Purchase Grand Theft Auto IV isn't worth your money.
L.A. Noire
Max Payne 3 - Don't have to play Max Payne 1 or Max Payne 2: Fall Of Max Payne to enjoy Max Payne 3 though you'll want to afterwards.
Red Dead Redemption (Game Of The Year Edition)
Saint Row 2
Saint Row The Third: The Full Package Edition - Sequel to Saint Row 2, play Saint Row 2 first
Saint Row IV - sequel to Saint Row 2 and Saint Row The Third play Saint Row 2 and Saint Row The Third first.
Telltale's The Walking Dead: The Game (Game Of The Year Edition)
Watch Dogs - May 27, 2014

Games to Avoid:
Assassin's Creed series
Battlefield Series
Borderland Series
Call Of Duty Series
Elder Scroll Series
Far Cry Series
Gears Of War Series
Halo Series
Hitman Series
Left 4 Dead Series
Mass Effect Series
Payday Series
Tom Clancy game series

Counter Strike is yet complex and addicting. The gameplay is straight forward but YOU ACTUALLY hAVE RECOIL IN THIS GAME BESIDES CALL OF DUTY.

Depends, strategy games: Mount and Blade: war band| Total War series, and sky rim for PC, xbox: Far cry 3 might interest you, I also am a fan of Red Dead Redemption. That's about it, also gta.

If you're anything like me, play games for a nostalgia feel. The new Wolfenstein game is fantastic. Halo is good. CoD is okay. Oblivion or Skyrim are great. Fallout, and maybe Doom or Quake. Rage felt like old FPS games. Borderlands 1 and 2. Castlevania LoS and LoS 2. Fable Anniversary and Fable 2 and 3. The BioShock games are also great. Tell Tale's the Wolf Among Us. Crysis 1 and 2. Maybe Crysis 3, but I hated every moment of it's campaign.

Bastion. A wonderful indie game that i recently completed