Why little kids don't know anything?

Little kids are always like this for example when i'm trying to buy something and a little kid will ask me what is that seriously they don't know anything also many little kids are bad spellers i so a Roblox video that the youtuber is 7 (Now 8) called Roblox is better than Minecraft and all of his words are misspelled (I don't like Roblox but i like Minecraft) why Little kids who are ages 4 5 6 7 don't know anything?

Well you are just as bad as these "little kids" when it comes to spelling and punctuation. You, no doubt, are not much older than 7. Most kids are very smart in other ways, and not just in grammar. However some 7 year olds that I know have far better grammar than you. "Don't" is like this. And you need to learn what punctuation is. Like a comma and a period and even better when to put a capital letter some where. Now mine may not be perfect but your childish question needed at least a little correction.

So to sum it all up 4 year olds are barely potty trained most of the time and while they are not dumb they are still learning and you have no right to put them down. Children ask questions to learn. Grow up and you may know this!

It probably has something to do with the fact that they are young and haven't had time to learn much yet. Lol.

Seriously you are the one who doesn't know much if you have to ask that question. Are you 12?

They can't be perfect, their just kids. You on the other hand. You need to learn to have patience with kids.

Like you know everything?

No ones perfect. Grammar gets very complex and takes time to learn, especially when you're young. I like ROBLOX, despite the kids who have bad grammar, it is a great creative gaming platform, where you create your own game! I recommend "ROBLOX Building Guide" on Amazon to get started learning how to develop amazing ROBLOX titles. ROBLOX and Minecraft are too different to be compared, believe it or not.