Why do so many little kids like Minecraft?

I've noticed something recently. So many little kids like Minecraft! I'm 18 and had to go work at my mom's daycare center for the day because her only worker was sick. I literally see all these kids wearing Minecraft shirts talking about Minecraft and how cool it is! I'm addicted to gaming and tried Minecraft and I think it's boring! I really do not see why so many kids are drawn towards Minecraft. I see Minecraft toy's in the store, Minecraft PS4 version, possible Minecraft movie, Minecraft Forums, Minecraft Wiki, Minecraft news, Minecraft Mods, Minecraft Youtube videos, too much Minecraft! Also type M in Youtubes search bar. The first thing you see is Minecraft. I also understand more lets just say "mentally challenged" kids love Minecraft. Can someone please explain why so many kids like this game? You never see adults/teenagers playing either besides the people who want to be famous on Youtube.

The game doesn't have any linear structure of gameplay, and the possibilities with it are nearly endless. I'm not exactly sure why younger kids like it (I'm 16 and like the creative aspects, but they seem to prefer the survival mode).

I've never played it, but when I saw a thing about it, I thought it sounded pretty cool.

Why shouldn't people enjoy creating something, instead of, as with most games, dealing with something that you have no control over?

Maybe you were never a kid that was allowed free play. That is TRAGIC. Free play, where kids get to make things, and create their own rules, and their own stories, has been a GOOD thing through most of human existence.

It's disappearance is sad, and not good for the human race.

Being able to build a world is a good thing.