Why are some youtube subscribers un active?

Basically all I wanna know is why some youtube subscribers are un active I noticed it happens to all channels even pewdiepie has atleast 1 million un active subscribers so why is this? Is it just they don't see your videos or they don't go on youtube or there a spam subscriber and have over 2 million subscriptions or is it they don't like your contact (if that was true they would simply un subscribe so it can't be that) Basically out of my 1,000+ Subscribers about 10-20% of them are active I get about 50-100 views per video slowly going up to about 200-500 after a couple of weeks, so why is this I wanna hear your opinions on this and maybe an answer

PS: If you like Comedy and Minecraft then check out my channel (Jordan5616)

Some of our youtube accounts are unactive
because some of us never like to log on.

This can happen because of a person going through a phase of YouTube and then they will stop using it. Also, often times people will forget their usernames or passwords, causing then to make a new account or not make a new one at all.