When is minecraft 1.8 comeing out? Is it allready out Guest It hasn't been released yet, however the latest snapshots have been bug fixes. This means it will release pretty soon, although there's no date known yet. Kyran Waves ↓Related posts Has Minecraft copied roblox as roblox came out in 2007 and minecraft in 2009 or 2011? My minecraft froze but the computer still works. I can't get out of minecraft Why does my minecraft keep saying minecraft has run out of memory like every 3min in to playing? I'm a youtuber and i make minecraft videos.i've done yeah some kind of videos but i'm out of ideas, can someone tell me a 'Minecraft' ideas? How do I import my Minecraft world on to my computer with out downloading/buying/installing Minecraft on my computer?
It hasn't been released yet, however the latest snapshots have been bug fixes. This means it will release pretty soon, although there's no date known yet. Kyran