Should I get a laptop or a computer?

Which one should I get? When i had my computer (before i virused the hell out of it) we had it running good for about five years. With the laptop weve had it since 07 and on the third year it started slowing down and couldnt handle as much, but it also wasn't a great laptop. If i get a laptop it will be for myself. All i do is use windows movie maker, youtube, a very little amount of minecraft, office, and upload pics and music. If i get a computer everyone uses it! My mom dosent organize her stuff well. When she uploads pics she just randomly selects a folder the computer suggests, but she dosent use a computer heavily at all! My dad won't use it. My brother will probably play minecraft and a couple pf flash games but i haven't seem him use the laptop for a long time. And of course ill use it for the same thing i mentioned earlier. Also we're not planning on getting a $800 laptop. We or I want something $200-$400. Thanks please no bugging about or budget, thats all we can do right now.

You might be able to find a nice refurb around that price. Otherwise, if you can do without minecraft, you could probably get a decent netbook. If you could do without minecraft AND movie maker, a chromebook would do at that price range.

Best Configuration Laptop

You should get laptop.It is safe for you.

I had desctop. Now I have laptop. As for laptop is much better. Desctop can be beter if you offen plays games or work with photoshop or some kind programs like that


Whatever suits you best. My HP Chromebook 11 is good, but you'll have to run Ubuntu on it to run normal programs or play Minecraft.