Ok so I'm a complete noob in computers. I need either a laptop or a low specs PC but I can't spend much:/. For the laptop I would spend about 400-500$. PC I would spend 200-300 because I already have some parts (power supply, harddrive, ram? Case). I need something to be able to play some games like BO2, sniper elite, payday 2, GTA IV, minecraft. What do you suggest I buy? Btw money is a huge problem for me
Should I buy a Laptop or a PC? For gaming?
Buy whichever as better ram, processor and graphics. I would like a laptop cause it's portable but the pc has a thing called a mouse which is handy for controlling. Using the pad for Minecraft is frustrating. Maybe a mouse with a laptop would be good.
You should buy the second one.
If you really want a pc for gaming go desktop as laptops may be portable but have not much room for bigger and better things like gpus ect… Btw if you want it for gaming id make sure your rams at least 8gb and your power supply is 750 w as its good for entry level but you can still upgrade if needed without replacing power supply as its just anoying
Daniel Jake