I'm thinking about getting a version of Linux that best suits my needs. I'm going to boot it on a USB drive because I'm running Windows 10, and I hear Linux is better for some purposes, and I also do not want to replace Windows as the rest of my family has important files on it. I have a Minecraft server that I like to run every once in a while and am thinking about getting into game dev of some kind. I'm also somewhat of a gamer who likes to play modern high end games. I've got a 1 terabyte hard drive and 16 gigs of ram (I'm not sure if this matters). Which Linux distro would be best suited for my personal use?
Which version of Linux is best for me?
Both Linux Mint and Ubuntu are good for beginners.
Mint or Ubuntu are probably the top two. Mint is less of a resource hog and some people find it similar to windows XP. Ubuntu is more modern with it's unity desktop if you have good hardware and plenty of ram. You can use files from Windows in Linux and you can also play minecraft in Linux and even many Windows programs if you use a program like Wine to run them. Gaming is where you will probably still need Windows even though I think Linux is attempting to gain ground in this area. Of course there are plenty of Linux Distro's out there and depending on your particular needs may be able to find one that only has those functions. Of course you can down scale any Distro once you learn what you need and what you don't and simply remove the stuff you don't.