Minecraft Server Player Limit?

How many players can join my Minecraft server if it is being hosted from my laptop.

I can't remember every detail of my laptop but here is i what i know

CPU: AMD Dual Core 2.0ghz
Internet: dunno the specific number but safe to say the download value is bigger than the upload value.
Operating System: Windows 8.1

Please let me know As soon as possible.

Factors include your upload speed. If it is very low, that will limit players to only a few… Download means little for servers, it is upload (going to the players) that is critical for performance.
Your processor is low end, ram just enough (just…), and some depends on your video which I assume is integrated. Those all limit players to 2 or 3 at most, in my opinion. Even then, it may be sluggish when someone enters a new part of the world…