Domain for an ip with an ending port?

I have a minecraft server at and I was looking to know how to create a domain which points to this, as when I put it into, freedns and noip they all say the ip is invalid and only work without the port.

Is there where I can get an easier to Remember ip and use the port?

Also the ip won't work without the port as it is on a shared server.

You can't get it anywhere and what they are telling you is correct. DNS resolves names to IP addresses, not IP: port number combinations. To do that would require fundamental restructuring of the way DNS works and would still be ambiguous. X.x.x.x: y refers to two distinct ports depending on whether UDP or TCP is used by the protocol.

DNS doesn't work with ports it's only a name to IP translation. You haven't explained if the server is hosted or behind a firewall. I'm assuming hosted.

If it is hosted you have to work with the hosting service to come up with a DNS name that will work with their equipment to forward to your specific server.

If its not a Public address then why make it public with a DNS entry…

DNS entries is for Fully Qualified Domain Names they you want people who don't know to know… Which is why you would create a DNS or get a FQDN…

If you only have 20 users or so using your Server port#
then just tell them to add it to their Host file…

And you should learn about Host files… As it works as a Computers own DNS… And their computer can name it anything they want…

Here is a simple host line entry that resolves a IP address to a Host name (you create):

(the space after each domain name means if I write this in the address bar in ANY browser on my will take me to this IP address on the internet)

Regular DNS knows nothing about ports. So if you are using a different port than the default minecraft port 25565, you have to tell users to include the:25612 attached to the name that resolves to the IP or the IP itself.

There's some new DNS method that can somehow include a port when you just have the name that resolves to the IP. But that did not work with my ISP's DNS and even when I use nameserver that it is supposedly set up to work with on one server, that is somewhat temperamental and it sometimes works and sometimes not. So I just using the name: port of that minecraft (tekkit mod) server, which is more reliable.