That is the highest version of the game that my laptop can run and I've found that it's very difficult to still find online English speaking multiplayer servers.
A 1.7.2 Minecraft multiplayer server?
So far I have only found one, but hardly anyone on it can speak English making the game less enjoyable. At it's highest I've seen as many as 900 people on at once. Average is 105 online. Lowest I have ever seen it was at 59 online. 10am EST as I'm writing this there are 371 players online.
My review: (also 1.7.10 and 1.8.1 servers)
They have some fun mini-games to play.
- My favorite one is called Rush which is basically capture the flag except both teams start on an island where they have to build towards each other, fight, defend, and mainly capture their flag. There's a "brick fountain" which occasionally shoots out iron and gold that can then be traded with villagers for sandstone/wood/armor/weapons/arrows/etc… In order to encourage fighting early on in the game there's a doublechest on a tiny 2x1 platform full of iron weapons and chain armor.
Other ones include SkyPvP, SkyWars, Hide 'n Seek, Free For All, Sky Block, Factions, D3s (where everyone fights with op gear), Creative (with plotme mod), RedstonePvp (hint: it has a parkour mini-game to the right where at the end you are rewarded with some enchanted armor).
If it weren't for the fact that it is an Arabic server so hardly anyone speaks English and mostly un-moderated I would have given it a much higher rating. Also factoring in that the single time I have seen an administrator online was in factions and while my friend and I were searching for a place to make a base he teleported to us flying above spawning creepers everywhere. I asked him if he knew English and he said yes; however he never replied to any questions I asked after that not understanding what I was saying.
So 6/10