I Play Video Games 9 To 10 Hours A Day?

I'm 15 years old and it's the beginning of the summer. At the last day of school i came home and the first thing i did is turn on my PlayStation 3. I played for 11 hours that day. I play call of duty and minecraft etc. Now it's close to almost 2 weeks in the summer and i find my self doing this same routine. I live in a small town on a dead end and there isn't anyone my age in the proximity of 3 blocks of where i live. The only place where my friends commonly meet up is the park. A few years back i would always be there riding my bike going in the woods and playing basketball with them, but now since there alot older the only thing there ALL( I only have 17 friends) interested in is smoking weed. I was never a smoker and i never will be simply because i can't afford it because of my blood condition. Now i stuck in a situation where if i go outside i will just get caught up with a bunch of smokers but if remain inside and keep playing the game i won't get anywhere. I thought of making a gaming youtube channel since i do play video games all day and try to turn it into something productive but it hasn't gone anywhere and i think biting off more than i could do. I don't know i love videogames and i know i won't play em forever but i just need a good plan on something else to do. Not to mention i failed my classes and i'm heading off to summer school later into the summer. How could i change my routine? Please a gunine anwer. Quickly before i continue what i'm doing i'm addicted to call of du

First give your mom the cords to your system. Focus on school work until you pass. Start talking to other people. Get on your bike and ride it for a couple of hours a day. After you do your homework, get the cords back and play for two hours. I understand you have a blood condition, if you keep up this route you will have a health condition.

Awe, sounds familiar. Except I fell into the drug crowd unfortunately. Good for you for not! I'll tell you what I did.

I had the same problem, I spent my whole summer every summer playing video games. COD4 was new at the time, and I got Way too good at it. So I got into books. They also take up your time, but your working your brain which may help you more in summer school.

Also, try hanging out with your friends and if they ask if you want to hit a joint, just say you're allergic. My friend uses that one, and it works, nobody bothers him about it.

But most importantly, you're a kid, and it's your summer vacation. Playing video games is so much fun and you deserve to enjoy them, you're in school for so long! But I suggest lessening the hours and maybe go out in the woods and explore, find lizards! Be a kid! Good luck with summer school, love. Have fun doing what you love!