Realistic human day-to-day game?

I was wondering, other than The sims series, minecraft, gta and some online games like Habbo, what PC games are out there that let you have free range of a life, the day goes by and you can choose what to do like going to work, making money and buying things, robbing a store maybe? Making friends and making enemies, maybe less fps games as they seem to be solely on guns, it doesn't matter wether it is multiplayer or not and if it is online I would prefer it be free but if it is a CD then I will pay.

Not much to be honest

sim city but thats just the sims on a grander scale
gone home is more a tech demo of an interactive house
fable 1 2 and 3 have elements of what you wnat but they are quite limited
same goes for oblivion and skyrim

your only real option are sims 2 and 3 and a load of mods

most other sandbox games like gta and saints row are mostly violent games

The best I an suggest is the Elder Scroll Games

They both offer a large world to explore, with lots of different things to do. Your only obligation in both is to complete a small amount of the Main Quest (serving as a tutorial) and then you are free to do as you please.

With the right DLCs (you can now buy the game with the DLC included for no extra cost) you can build houses. Even without the DLC you can buy houses and furnish them - adopt children, marry…

You don't mention anything about MMOs.

Maybe Final Fantasy XI/XIV: ARR?

There's the day/night system, crafts, jobs. It's an online jrpg, practically. Lots of customization. There's not so much 'relationships' per se like in the sims where you get married (as far as I know. There's a few things but not really.)

Dragon's Dogma is another game, although offline.
It has a day/night system too.