How to make a pressure plate on minecraft act as an on/off switch?

What i want to do is i want to be able to step on a pressure plate, and have some redstone lamps turn on. I want these lamps to then stay on even when i step off of the pressure plate. And to turn them off, you step on the pressure plate again. Much like a level but without having to manually switch it on and off. Please help. This is really my first time working with redstone and i really want to get this to work.

also i'm on the ps3 version of MC.

You can use Redstone repeaters (if the PS3 version has them) to make a loop like in this picture, and once you stand on the pressure plate, the lights will be on forever ^-^
PROBLEM: you can't turn them off, BUT if you have command blocks, you could use those to get rid of the piece of redstone using coordinates, and again to put it back

I'm afraid that's what will have to happen BUT, you can just use a lever as an easier alternative
How to make a pressure plate on minecraft act as an on off switch