My husband pays more attention to games than me?

The past week I don't feel like I can get his attention at all, he always has his face stuck in his phone playing minecraft. All I'm asking for is a few hours of his time but he always gets distracted. Even when we were supposed to be watching a movie together, sure enough after 5 minutes he's back on his phone… What do I do? It's really starting to hurt my feelings. No rude answers please

This is becoming more and more common.

I have no idea what to say about it, every time I try it ends up sounding either demanding or naive.

I'm honestly at a loss. I'm sure that sucks for you, is all I can say.

Have a serious talk with him and tell him how much this is upsetting you. Try to come to a compromise where he plays his games while you do a hobby or something of your own.

Next time you are having sex, pull out your phone and start texting friends, maybe go on facebook to chat and play games

Put on some lingerie and if he don't respond start staying out late.

Guys arelike kids with new toys, so perhaps hide it fromhim until he has given you some "together" time. Failing that, "forget" his laundry some days, or veen food preparation. Often works!

Ugh gamers, forever alone, leave him to it and enjoy a life that he doesn't know how to have

I guess the thrill has gone out of the relationship or he is being satisfied by someone else. So he is not giving anymore attention to you.