What laptop is best for me?

I'm (hopefully) close to graduating college. I've had my current computer since I was a freshman in college. My current computer s stats are a mid 2010 MacBook with a 2.4 GHz Processor, a 250 GB disk, and NVIDIA GeForce 320M 256 MB graphics. I want something better. I need a laptop that can support Office programs like Powerpoint, Word, and Excel. Also, I LOVE playing Minecraft. However, I have the WORST lag ever. I need a computer that plays Minecraft well and also is compatible with Minecraft mods. Oh, and ITunes. Any suggestions?

Added (1). Oops, since I was a freshman in high school, I meant. Also, I forgot to say that my budget is $800-1,600. I prefer to go to the lower range though.

Look at the Acer line…

You can upgrade your current MacBook Pro, which would cost you a few hundred.
But all macs support Microsoft office both standard and 365. Your processor is decent, Maybe a faster video card and a SSD.

Well was you wanting to upgrade with Mac or maybe Windows based system?