Best gaming pc for minecraft? - 1

I've been stuck on a laggy old pc for ages and i'm sick of the laggy minecraft, like when i run mods its so laggy. I just want a very good! PC! That runs minecraft as smooth as possible and is very speedy.

My pentium 4 clocked at 1.4gz can run minecraft at a stable framerate of 40 frames per second with vsync forced through nvidia drivers, not to mention it does not even have a cpu fan and it it underclocked, if you know about pc's then you know that building a pc is much more reliable than buying pre-build pc's I have a few questions, #1 do you have a laptop or desktop #2 what are your specs #3 do you have integrated graphics or deicated graphics #4 what is your cpu clocked at? #5 how long have you been gaming with pc #6 did you build your pc or did it come pre built, if you don't understand some of these questions, than just say, "i don't know"
#7 it might be important to list your age because if you are under the age of 10 it might be a huge learning curve to overclocking