How to Install Mods On MInecraft With A Mac?

So we all know that Macs are a bit complicated with Minecraft but I've tried everything. I already downloaded Forge a couple of times with different versions such as 1.7.2 1.7.10 and so on. (I have a Mac OS X V 10.9.4 if this helps) I've already deleted the META-INF folder be compressing the launcher.jar and then turning it into an archive and back into a jar file. I've tried putting the mod into a jar and zip file but when i use a jar file it always crashes and a zip file doesn't appear to work even when i load the game.(the mod doesn't appear in "mods loaded"). I've only tried one mod until now which is animated player but it doesn't seem to work. Do the files have to be jar or zip? Do they need to be a certain version.I've looked everywhere and I mean everywhere like minecraft forums and youtube but my game always crashes with a jar file in the mods folder. (and with a zip file it doesn't appear in 'mods loaded'.) Thank you for helping me i know this was a long questions but Macs are really complicated for me. I you link me to an answer that is fine but if you have experience with Macs it would be a lot more helpful if you just told me.

Google it or Youtube it will have some answers for ya type in exactly what you said