Is it normal for a video file to be this big?

I created a tutorial video for something in minecraft and it is a little over 6 minutes long. The video format is.avi. However, the video file that I'm uploading is 37.6 gigabytes and it is taking a very long time. I feel like that is way to much memory for a 6 minute HD video. I'm new to uploading videos to youtube so maybe it is normal but any feedback would be greatly appreciated.

Depending on the video Resolution and Bit Rate you are recording at, but the format and 6 minute video should not be 37.6Gb. Even IF that was the case, good luck uploading that. It would take you ages, but when you edit it, just render in lower quality and bitrate, and it should minimize the file size.

6 minute video should not be even be 1gb.

You forgot to save it using a video compression codec like x.264 or MPEG. Or you really screwed up on the compression parameters. It sounds like you saved the video file as an uncompressed data stream.