I want to play with my boyfriend?

So i want to play computer games with my boyfriend as he is a gamer i want to take an interest in what he likes to do as he never goes out so when i'm at his we stay in and he is on his computer game so i buy the games to play with him but he never does. What should i do? I have tried talking about it and going on when he is on but he never seems to want me to play we're both computer gamers so he is on his computer and i bring my laptop to his when ever i go his, I like to play minecraft and diablo Gmod and dayz all the games he plays.

All these all metaphors? And the games are euphemisms for positions? If not buy a:

Big long toy
Marvin gay CD
something… Lubey
play your own game, see the effects, if hes still teabagging a goblin, id say your a lightyear from his type

I can barely tell what you're saying. Work on your writing skills.

Maybe you're bad at videogames? I used to play MMOs with my wife, but she is terrible at them, so it gets annoying and I would find excuses to not play. What is he saying he would rather do? Maybe he just doesn't want to play videogames all the time. If you guys are playing the same game and he just won't let you play with him, then I don't know what the problem is.

That isn't a relationship. That is two people sitting in a room playing games. If he doesn't want to interact with you and go out and do things together, it isn't worth it. Find someone who does want to be ith you.

You may love him but it appears he is excluding you from the things he likes most in life: games. He loves the games over you. Otherwise, he would make more of an effort, and if you aren't the best gamer then he would find something middle-ground that is fun for two people and not frustrating. If you're a good gamer then he has no excuse and I don't know why you are putting up with this. He is not going to change, you need to make the decision to have a better life and find someone who will enjoy life with you, not a movie every friday.