I delete it because it was minecraft 1.4 how install it again
How to install minecraft 1.8?
Tulai 10.07.2015
Dylan 10.07.2015
A lot of people thought that the Minecraft 1.8 Adventure Update would be showing up yesterday, September 8th. When that didn't happen, the Minecraft community breathed a collective sigh of sadness. Today, however, those blocky frowns have been turned upside down. Notch and Jens "leaked" the 1.8 pre-release onto 4chan. The build has their endorsements, as seen in the Minecraft subreddit and is safe to download and install. If you're interested in seeing a list of the changes and new features of the game, Minecraft Forums is updating a list on their front page. Perhaps the most exciting change is the introduction of Beef and Chicken, delicious!
Bshal 10.07.2015
Download the launcher, change the version to beta1.8 in the settings.
Nick 10.07.2015