How to get known on YouTube? - 1

I want to get about 100 subs fast by playing minecraft, but my videos will hardly get any views; only about 5. Since I'm a girl, I'm assuming it is harder to get subs. I'm not one of those girls who hold COD ghosts up to their breasts and take a picture saying "I'm a girl and i play games", but most of the time i'm worrying that they are going to scratch the disk, heh.
I haven't tried advertising on popular channels like CaptainSparklez or TheDiamondMinecart because of all the hateful people on YouTube. I just bought a good quality microphone two days ago, and i'm looking for a cheap editing software. All I want is more views. Any suggestions?

It isn't harder for you to get views because you are a girl. It's just that there aren't as many girl gamers as male gamers. Anyways you can't expect to grow quickly if you put out videos that millions of other people do; mine craft videos. Unless you are incredibly funny, it may take you years to get to 100 subscribers. I would say bring something new to your videos, no one wants to watch a poorly made mine craft video of them playing survival mode and including a boring commentary.

You can use tags that describe your video as well as other relevant popular videos to make sure that as many people as possible see your video when they are searching YouTube. Share your video with as many people as you can as soon as you post it. The earlier you share it, the more likely it will be to be a YouTube sensation. If you wait a week to share it while it barely gets any views, it'll be much more likely to be forgotten by the YouTube community. Remember, timing is everything. Think of when your audience is likely to watch your video and release right before then (evenings and weekends are a good suggestion). Another method is to buy youtube views, you can try some cheap sites like SEOclerks, where freelancers provide youtube views at a cheap rate.

Add relevant description

Your title adds weight to your post so use powerful words to compel your readers to view your posts. Don't trick them by putting a catchy title that is not related to what you posted. Remember that high retention views count more. Besides, you wouldn't want your subscribers and viewers to distrust and unsubscribe right?
Use the description box since it is there already. Many ignore this part because they fing it insignificant. It can be significant if you add a useful description to your post.

Being a girl will def help. What you have to do is do more videos beside minecraft. People will get bored. Or when putting up a video, name the video something interesting to catch a persons eye

Do you tag the video's?
you can try advertising on bigger channels but don't spam by just saying: check out my videos"
but explain what you do and introduce yourself.
also putting your youtube link on your social network profile work.
and telling friends about the channel
and for editing software try free trails to see what's good for you (lightworks worked for me)

The time to start a YouTube gaming channel and get blow up has passed. 2009 to 2011 was the prime time to do it and being a girl can actually work in your favor. I can remember a girl gamer called FDchick and F1STDACUFFS helped promote girl gamers.

Anything with Minecraft in it tends to get tons of views, sadly. I put up a few Minecraft-related videos (not stupid "Let's Play" ones), and one of them got hundreds of thousands of views. Being a girl would help, I think. You're doing everything right to get views except maybe that you need to advertise by commenting all over the place. You don't even need to say "check out my videos". Just comment on anything in general to get your name in more places.