Gaming videos on YouTube ideas needed?

Okay so I've been doing gaming videos on YouTube for a good few years on and off on different YouTube accounts. The problem is is that when I get to a certain point. Around about 300 subs and have a good little fan bad that is around the time I run out of ideas or feel what I upload just isn't as good as it used to be. So that makes me lose motivation.

So I'm thinking of starting up my YouTube again. (Haven't uploaded in like 3 months or so).

Any ideas of series on games like bf4, minecraft, league of legends, maplestory. Games like that or any games you think would make good videos.

I plan on uploaded short videos below 5 maybe even 3 minutes to keep my viewers interested.

I already have some ideas but not a lot.
Any assistance would be great.

I have hd video and audio and I'm in need of help

My YouTube name is autonyms if you wanna have a look and maybe give me some constructive criticism? My most recent videos are pointless so maybe don't watch them?

Everyone these days on YouTube as well myself look for the new games walkthroughs. So maybe whenever a new game comes out try doing a walkthough of it for example I will be starting the new Walking Dead Episode 4: Amid the Ruins. Now you can either play this on PC or Xbox 360 and PS3. I'm just getting into the YouTube scene as far as gaming videos but always just try to be original and be yourself! All the best of luck to you and your channel!

Hey you should know that the top YouTuber also uploads gaming videos to his channel. And by doing so he is banking around $4 million per year. So if you can make a fraction of that amount, it should be decent start for you.