Gaming Laptop Recommended Specs?

So, I'm looking for a gaming laptop. I would like the price to be under $800 if it could be under $700 that would be even better. The main uses for the laptop will be running DayZ and Minecraft (at their highest settings.) I will also be running a recording software some of the time and uploading them to YouTube.

So, here is what I'm thinking

- Processor: I7 (Dual or Quad? And do GHz matter? If so, how many and what do they do)

-Ram: 8gb? 16gb? What do you think? Do they have any such thing as 12gb of RAM for laptops? How much RAM will I need to run DayZ or Minecraft at their highest settings, while recording, and possibly rendering videos while I record.

-? Graphics Cards: ? No clue what is good and what is bad.

Those are all the questions I have, thanks a bunch guys!

In Processors, GHz is the speed, so yeah, it does matter.
A decent GHz speed would be 2.5 - 3.5 or higher

You don't need too much RAM, unless you plan on editing and multitasking games etc… 8GB of RAM is good enough for highest graphics.

If you want a good Graphic card, try aiming for Geforce GTX 600 or higher or AMD Radeon™ HD Series.

If you choose all of these, you would be able to play DayZ in the highest graphics but if i were you, id maybe aim for the 3GHz or higher.

Consider Acer Aspire V3-572G-587W 15.6" Laptop

It's got NVIDIA GeForce 840M graphics card, that will play DayZ and Minecraft at high settings