So I'm thinking of buying a gaming desktop PC. Within the 800$ price range.
I want a PC that will run smoothly for games.
Here are some games that are example of what I wanna play on it
Kernel space program
These are samples of games I really want to play but need good Desktop recommendations in the 800$ price range?
Gaming desktop selection
hehhsb 31.07.2015
Don't get pre-built computers, most of them are over-priced. I would suggest you to build one or get it build. Your budget is quite good for a good gaming PC and I surely can help you with it. By gaming desktop, did you mean the whole setup including the monitor or without it? You could hook up your PC to the TV and play too. Anyways, if you need help with the best build in your budget, mail me for more info.
GLX 01.08.2015