I tried the following in Minecraft:
> Lowered the FPS from the default of 120 to 60.
> Have my FOV to like 90.
> Sort of tried playing MC on a Small Window Size (i have a 24inch Monitor).
> Turned off the Bobbling (which was the very first Setting I turned off).
> Render is like 10.
> F5. Third Person view. Tried that, which makes building very hard and glitches out in small/normal building size. So this option is not possible.
> Motion Sickness Pills. I also been told to take it. But I want to avoid to continuously take Medicine every time I play. It will probable be bad for me in the long run and it's going to be expensive to continually to buy them. So I don't this will be the option for me.
So can anyone help me with what Minecraft setting I need to change, to avoid getting Motion Sickness?