Avoiding Motion Sickness while playing Minecraft?

I tried the following in Minecraft:
> Lowered the FPS from the default of 120 to 60.
> Have my FOV to like 90.
> Sort of tried playing MC on a Small Window Size (i have a 24inch Monitor).
> Turned off the Bobbling (which was the very first Setting I turned off).
> Render is like 10.
> F5. Third Person view. Tried that, which makes building very hard and glitches out in small/normal building size. So this option is not possible.
> Motion Sickness Pills. I also been told to take it. But I want to avoid to continuously take Medicine every time I play. It will probable be bad for me in the long run and it's going to be expensive to continually to buy them. So I don't this will be the option for me.

So can anyone help me with what Minecraft setting I need to change, to avoid getting Motion Sickness?

Motion sicken can't be resolved through settings… Not really…
I suggest taking breaks from the game, close your eyes and focus them. Do not be so close to the game. Or. Well this may sound crazy. But I may suggest trying to move like your character for example walking in place when you move forward… Motion sickness is caused when confusion occurs with the brain. ( movement of the game is confusing the brain into why YOURE not moving but according to your eyes things are moving… Like car sickness! )… So may be worth he try? XD… Also you may just need to get used to the resolution of the monitor, and game itself… Eventually your brain my just get used to it. I played sunset over drive for the first time. And good god never had motion sickness because of a game before xD… That game is too much movement and **** going on XD