Re Downloaded Minecraft x360 for free?

About a month ago i deleted minecraft on my xbox 360 cause i was board of it. Now watching videos of it i want to play the game again. I try to re download the game and it says it will cost $20. I thought if you tried to re download a game on 360 it would be free because you already bought it. Do i have to press purchase for it to tell me its free or do i have to pay.

That is a very good question. If it is is not on your games list thing than for sure it is deleted. If you pressed it and it said 20 dollars- confirm purchase than you will sadly have to pay the el dinero. Hope this helps. P.S. Please chack out my question Ijyst asked about 2 mon ago thank you

You have to pay

I believe there's a screen somewhere in the system settings called 'Download History' or something along those lines. I'm fairly sure you can redownload it there.