Minecraft Xbox: connection to server lost on a single player world?

On a minecraft Xbox world I accidentally reset the nether whilst I was inside it, now when ether I try to load up the world it seems to load up a completely empty world for about half a second then closes and said connection lost, is there a way to fix this or is my world gone for good?

I can't guarantee that this will help cause I haven't played minecraft Xbox 360 edition for about a year now so my knowledge on minecraft on Xbox is a bit shattery, and you didn't mention if you are referring to Minecraft for Xbox 360 or minecraft for Xbox One. The best solution I could come up for a situation like this is to find your console settings which should be around the Xbox main menu home screen or whatever you call it, then you press the storage option and choose if you save your games on cloud or on the storage device on your xbox. Then there should be a list of all the games you played and how much storage they take up on the storage device based on how many saved games you have, you would find minecraft and press it, and there should be a list of all the times when your minecraft was saved on all of your worlds. You would have to delete all of the saved games for that particular world that were made after you accidentally reseted the nether and stop deleting at the saved game from the time before you accidentally did this. Theoretically, when you log back onto the world, everything will be fixed! (Hopefully)
Hope this one helped ya out!