I want to play minecraft xbox edition split screen but my xbox won't show on channel that's needed?

I set my console to 750 and the other settings and then I turned on the switch from TV to HDTV but when I turned it to HDMI channel like I'm supposed too the picture won't show. Will someone help me! I Really want to play minecraft with my brother On split screen.

Well this sounds like your television is either not an HDTV OR you don't have all the plugs plugged in on the back of the tv for HD. With Standard Definition you only need the Red, White, and Yellow plugs plugged in but with HD on that type of cable you need the Red, White, Red, Blue, and Green plugs all plugged in. Now that being said if you don't have those ports on your television BUT it is an HDTV and you have an HDMI port then you would need to get an HDMI cable for your Xbox360. Only thing I don't understand is why would you have your Xbox360 hooked up to your TV in Standard if it IS and HDTV… That doesn't make much sense to me… But yeah try doing that and I hope it helps. Also remember in your Xbox360 console settings to set it to 720p or 1080p etc… Depending on your television. I would just set it to the best quality possible personally.