I dropped my USB in juice?

I dropped in in a cup of juice and quickly took it out and dried it as much as I could what do I do my xbox live account is on there and maps I was downloading for minecraft and my history report is there too if I don't turn that in I will have an F on my report card and my dad will be mad please help.

Ha ha ha! I'm looking for a best answer. Because I also dropped my phone in water. I tried to dry it in the Sunshine and it also. But i can't open it, and kept it on the table. After 5 days i see it open. Amazing.

If that has got inside even slightly it is generally very acid, and will immediately have started to eat into the board and components. You can't get it out without destroying the card. Personally I would NEVER risk connecting it to any machine in case the damage returns a bad voltage to the USB bus on the machine a damages that too. Also any trace seeping out of it could start erosion of the USB connectors. If you really want to try to recover files from it, buy a cheap USB hub to connect to the machine and then put the card in the hub. At least that way only a cheap hub gets damaged. If you have already tried to recover files by connecting to the machine, and could not, the drive is lost. My question is, if those files are so important, WHY did you keep the only copy of them on such an unreliable media. NEVER rely on such poor devices to keep the only copy of critical files, it is only suitable for transferring them from machine to machine. Or as a backup if you carefully lock it away between backups, and test it regularly,.